Jari Thymian, JFS database manager recently added a new way for donors to creatively give to JFS. Now you can make tribute gifts to express your gratitude for anything you want such as the beautiful weather, an upcoming trip you're taking, you finished a project or met a deadline at work. Be creative and celebrate anything in your life you are grateful for!
The Hebrew term for gratitude is hikarat hatov, which means "recognizing the good." Share your gratitude and recognize the good things in your life today with a tribute gift to JFS by contacting Jari Thymian at (303) 597.5000 x386.
Also, when you make a donation - of any amount - you will receive a personal phone call from Jari. "It is so fun and energizing for me to call our donors!" says Jari enthusiastically. "I really get a rush out of finding out why people give and hearing how grateful they are to JFS for help we provided to them or a loved one."
She adds, "I actually get to see how infinite gratitute and goodness are when I make the calls. People are so happy to know that we received their money and we're using it for the program for which they intended." As an avid biker and poet, Jari shares an apt analogy: "Gratitude is like catching a tailwind on a bicycle!"
Now how is that for customer service?!?!