Friday, November 20, 2009

Brighten the Holidays for Those in Need!

Each year, Jewish Family Service is astounded by the generosity of individuals and organizations who provide food and gifts for people we serve during the holiday season. Your care and thoughtfulness makes a significant impact on those who receive them. One way you can help out this holiday season is through our Bright Holidays program.
The Bright Holidays program allows donors to provide Christmas or Hanukkah gifts for individuals and families in need. This program is completely anonymous. Our care managers refer clients with specific wish lists, donors like you provide the gifts and drop them off at our office, and then our staff delivers the gifts to their clients.

To participate in this program, contact Shelly Hines at (303) 597.5000 x319.

And the Weinberg Food Pantry can always use food and monetary donations to provide complete holiday meals to low-income clients during this much celebrated season. Some items we need for holiday meals include frozen turkeys, stuffing mix, canned vegetables, cranberry sauce, instant mashed potatoes, and boxed desserts.

Please make a cash donation now or drop off food donations at JFS, 3201 S. Tamarac Dr. between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

We appreciate every donor for making the holidays bright for so many of our clients!

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