Wednesday, November 25, 2009

JFS Staff is Thankful for...

With Thanksgiving and the holiday season upon us, we wanted to share what some of our staff members are thankful for:

"That I have woken up every morning for the past 32 years loving my job! I'm also thankful for my children, my family, and friends."
-Yana Vishnitsky, President & CEO

"For my health, family, and freedom!"
-Marlene Adam, Payroll Accountant

"I am thankful for all the daily blessings my four-year-old daughter brings me every day...from hearing her cheerful laugh, to watching her discover something for the first time, to listening to her preschool tales!"
-Alaina Green, Marketing & PR Associate

"For my friends and co-workers who have been so supportive through the difficult times I've had the past year."
-Pat Stein, Senior Solutions Care Manager

"For my friends - including my new friends at JFS, my husband, and people with a sense of humor!"
-Jari Thymian, Development Database Manager

"I am thankful for the gift of JFS and all its staff and people that have been in my life for the last 19 years!"
-Annie Reilly, Care Manager, Hearts and Hands Homemaker Program

"My back is not hurting anymore and that I exercise in the beautiful Colorado outdoors!"
-Janet Chamberlain, Office Manager

"To have a job that I love!"
-Cathy Grimm, Senior Solutions, JFS at Home, and Boulder JFS Director

"That I don't have to cook Thanksgiving dinner!"
-Allison Miller, Data Collection and Research Coordinator

"That I'm retired and am able to do the things I want to do like volunteer at JFS!"
-Mark Krivel, JFS Volunteer

"Not only that I have a job, but 10 years at a job where there is a great sense of community."
-Jennie Creasey, Senior Solutions Care Manager

"All the help from staff and volunteers for Reel Hope (which is next Thursday, December 3rd)!
-Dawn Richard, Development Director

"I am thankful for my family and friends!"
-Talia Richard-Lande, 6 year-old daughter of Dawn Richard

"That I am able to be in the graduate program at DU and for my family."
-Jessica Huffer, Senior Solutions Intern

"That my wonderful 17-year-old son, James has grown up to be such a great guy."
-Doreen Osborne, JFS at Home Schedule Coordinator

"My job!"
-Ann Veenstra, Director of Administration

"For my husband's family who will be feeding me on Thanksgiving, being able to run to work off that big meal, and for my new flatscreen TV that I plan to buy on Black Friday!"
-Kari Alpen, Graphic Designer

"My new job at JFS, the Colorado sunshine, and that am able to volunteer at the Mile High United Way Turkey Trot tomorrow morning."
-Lynn Cooper, Development Associate

Please leave comments to tell us what you're thankful for this year! We wish everyone a happy, healthy Thanksgiving!

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